Friday, May 18, 2012

Future of Medicare Part One

I just came back from the annual meeting of American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance in Miami FL. Some great speakers and presenters. Some initial takeaways.
1. Medicare is in deep, deep trouble. It is a broken system that is unsustainable. Baby boomers are flooding the system. We are living longer. We are utilizing Medicare (we are not dying as quickly as our parents did, we demand much more costly treatment) substantially greater than previous generations. We are entering the system generally sicker and heavier users than previous generations (think obesity, diabetes high blood pressure, high cholestrol, etc.)
So, what does all this mean? First, our elected officials need to get their act together and actually lead! Extremely hard decisions need to be made in modifying the Medicare system. Check out my website, for more detailed information.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You're Almost 65 Years Old – Time for MyMedicareAdvisor!

You eat the right food, exercise,  take care of yourself, and make certain that quality health care is available to you when and if you need it. Now that you’re almost 65, it’s time to start thinking about your supplemental medicare insurance. True, you’ll be eligible for Medicare and a significant portion of your health care will be paid for. The truth is, Medicare was never designed to cover all of your health care bills. That's where a quality Medicare Supplement Plan comes in. In fact, by taking the time now to learn what’s available and what makes sense for you, you can stay ahead of the game and be prepared when it comes time to choose your coverage.

A Cost Saving Solution
If you’re like most people, you understand the importance of saving money and health coverage is no different. After all, health care costs are on the rise and it’s only going to get worse. Even with Medicare helping, there are quite a few out-of-pocket expenses that you’re responsible for paying. For instance, Medicare doesn’t pay for deductibles, copays and coinsurance. These expenses can be significant, costing you thousands of dollars or more. A quality Medigap plan can help pay for some or all of these costs, leaving you with more money on hand.
Large Variety Lets You Find the Plan That Works Best for You
The best part about Medigap insurance is that you can find the perfect plan to suit your budget and your coverage needs. Everyone has something a little different in mind when they think of the perfect supplement insurance. With 10 Medigap plans in Texas to choose from, it’s easy to find the plan that works best for you. Besides, the right Medigap policy gives you peace of mind in knowing that when you need medical coverage, you can get it. Whether you need all of your out-of-pocket expenses covered or you’re looking for flexibility while traveling, finding the perfect coverage at an affordable rate is possible.
Choose Quality, Dependable Providers
Remember, Medicare supplement plans are standardized, meaning that a plan F offered by one insurance company must contain the same benefits as a plan F offered by another insurance company. The only real difference between providers is cost and dependability. In other words, simply because two companies offer the same plan, does not mean that they are going to be as reliable. Stay with names you know and trust like AARP Medicare and Aetna Medicare

 who have earned a reputation for providing dependable insurance to people just like you for decades.

Now that you’re almost 65 and you’ll be eligible for Medicare, it’s time to start thinking about your medicare Insurance As a cost saving solution and a chance to get the peace of mind you deserve, securing quality Medicare supplement insurance from a dependable provider is simply a smart choice.